
About Lavande Sur Terre Branded Lavender Flower Buds

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Lavender has many benefits, frequently used for essential oils, beauty products, sachets and health benefits, a natural remedy for a range of ailments from insomnia and anxiety to depression and mood disturbances. Relax your body and your mind by adding a dose of lavender into your day. Enhance your favorite recipes, fill the air with an aromatic potpourri or gift craft sachets to your friends and family. 

French Lavender Flower Buds Dried - Lavande Sur Terre

French Lavender Flower Buds Dried - Lavande Sur Terre

LST (Lavande Sur Terre) premium lavender is a self-evaluated grade. Our advanced process and commitment to bring ever-premium lavender to the market make our lavender selected superior colour and flavor.  Naturally dried lavender seeds perfect for cooking and lavender tea, other uses in beauty products, sachets and tinted containers.

Lavande Sur Terre dried lavender seeds (Lavandula angustifolia), naturally dried lavender flower buds from the 3300 acres lavender fields, Highland Tianshan Mountains.

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